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Photo & Jersey Number Fastpitch Softball Magnet

Photo & Jersey Number Fastpitch Softball Magnet: A unique and totally customizable round fridge magnet for softball players and fans! Replace the placeholder image with your favorite softball action shot or photo from picture day, and type in your own jersey number or any other text like initials or school letters. These make awesome decorations for the kitchen fridge or any other metal surface in the home, office or field house. And with an affordable starting price, and discounts for bulk orders, they would make an awesome team or senior gift idea!

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Photo & Jersey Number Fastpitch Softball Magnet: A unique and totally customizable round fridge magnet for softball players and fans! Replace the placeholder image with your favorite softball action shot or photo from picture day, and type in your own jersey number or any other text like initials or school letters. These make awesome decorations for the kitchen fridge or any other metal surface in the home, office or field house. And with an affordable starting price, and discounts for bulk orders, they would make an awesome team or senior gift idea!